6 Ancient Folk Remedies To Treat Ovarian Cysts – Homemade Treatment

To cute the cyst on the ovary is very difficult, but with folk remedies you can quickly get rid of this disease!

Ana from Moscow will advise you how to cure a cyst on the ovary.

” I am a pediatrician by profession, I am now retired. I have a lot of diseases, among which was diagnosed a cyst on the ovary as well. I suggest you my method of healing cysts at home with honey and aloe juice:

1.Take aloe vera leaves, wrap them in paper and put them in the fridge on the bottom shelf, for two weeks.

Afterwards, finely grate them and squeeze the juice out of them. Mix the aloe juice with honey. The ratio is 1: 1 (this means the number of tablespoon juice you get from aloe, add the same number of spoons with honey).  Refrigerate the mixture.

For the treatment:

Heat a teaspoon of this mixture, take an ordinary female tampon and soak it in a mixture of honey and aloe. Put the tampon into the vagina and keep it overnight.

2. I also suggest this way for more effective treatment of cysts on the ovary: while the leaves of aloe were passing through bio- stimulation in the fridge, I used fresh grated root of camphor, and I mixed its juice with honey in the same proportions (as many tablespoons of juice from the root of camphor, as much spoons of honey) and I dipped tampons in this mixture and left them in the vagina overnight. You can also use camphoric oil.
The first ten days, use tampons with camphor and honey, afterwards, make a ten days break, and then, use tampons with a mixture of honey and aloe juice for another ten days.

In this way you can also treat the erosion of the cervix (also known as sores on the cervix), infertility and other women’s diseases.

The aloe juice is very healthy and beneficial, but few people know that we can get a bio- stimulating juice, enriched with aloe ferments, which contains several times more useful components and materials, than the regular fresh squeezed juice.

The daughter of my friend suffered from polycystic ovaries. After these treatments, the cysts were gone. And then, in the forty-first year, she got pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby girl in the joy of the entire family “.

Folk recipes

3.Nuts against cysts on the ovary.

Clean the nuts from the shell and the internal walls. Finely chop the separate compartments with a knife and put 4 tablespoons of this mixture in a smaller pan and pour 3 cups of hot boiled water.

Put the pan on the stove and cook for another 20 minutes. Cool, strain and drink half a cup of the beverage three times a day.

4. Tampons with onions and honey.
Take one middle onion in the morning and put it in a smaller pan (you can get a wider cup) with honey so that the onion is completely covered with honey.

Before going to bed, when the onions soak the honey, make a tampon from itself (with the help of gauze and a thread) or dip a tampon in previously squashed amount of this mixture to soak in it and leave it in the vagina overnight.

The treatment lasts 10 days.

In early stages, cysts in the ovary can be fully healed without surgical intervention.

5. Recipe with fats, which will with regular use completely cure the disease in ten days.
Take one cup of refined vegetable oil, and put a piece of beeswax (about 20-30 g) in it. Put the mixture in an enamel pan on a low fire to melt the wax.

Mash half of a hard- boiled egg with a fork and slowly add it in this mixture. Stir, remove from heat and leave it for 15 minutes. Strain, cool and refrigerate.

From this wonder-balm you make a tampon (previously melt a small amount of it on a water vapor) or soak it in ready-made tampons and insert it into the vagina and leave overnight.

6. Erosion of the cervix can be successfully treated with 10-15% propolis fat.
First take out the mucus with a tampon dipped in a 2% solution of baking soda, then put a tampon dipped in fat of propolis on the place of the erosion and hold it for 10 hours.

The procedure is performed daily. In 9 of 10 cases there was a full recovery. This treatment can also be implemented in other inflammatory conditions of the female reproductive organs.

source: www.goodmorningcenter.com
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