Here’s Why You Should Always Freeze Your Lemons

Why is that? Why should we freeze our lemons?
“According to a study lemons and citrus fruit can fight breast cancer cell growth due to the natural compound in them called limonoids. This only supports all past studies that fruit can help in inhibiting the risks for breast cancer.”

More and more people claim that we shouldn’t waste lemons by throwing most of them when we have squeezed them. The lemons are beneficial to the health if you use them entirely. But how can we do that?

Well, by freezing them. Once the lemon has been frozen you don’t have to peel it. Instead, grate it or shred it. Then you can use it in all sorts of salads, sauces, creams, soups… simply sprinkle it on anything you like and experience the new taste.

When we peel the lemon we throw away vitamins. The crust has five to ten times more vitamins than the juice, which help fighting body toxins. And recent studies show that lemons have much stronger effects than chemotherapy. They can kill cancer cells and are much more beneficial than synthetic and toxic drugs that bring profits to a handful of people. In addition, consuming lemons doesn’t cause side effects like chemotherapy does.

Furthermore, lemons have strong effect on tumors and cysts. They also have effects on microbes and infections; they can kill parasites in the body and can help you regulate your blood pressure. Plus, the lemons are natural anti-depressants and fight stress and other nervous-related disorders.

Believe it or not, all of this info came from a drug manufacturing company. Their studies from the 1970s have shown that lemons help killing malignant cells of pancreas, lung, prostate, breast, colon and dozen other cancers. It was found out that the properties of a lemon tree have much stronger effect than Adriamycin, a chemotherapy related drug.

The great news in all of this is that lemons help destroy cancer cells without affecting healthy ones. Nature has its ways of giving us cures, and all we do is destroy our bodies with synthetic drugs. By using synthetic drugs we only get into a cycle where other drugs are needed to fight off the side effects of the previous drug and so on.

Drug manufacturers profit the most from this situation. They profit from people that don’t eat natural healing foods and don’t consume enough minerals. They pay off the media and all levels of society to advertise their drugs and get into our subconscious mind with their advertisements. They even pay off politicians to prevent passing of laws that benefit us and that help us attain much healthier life.
We should fight against mainstream media and drug manufacturers, or we can just continue to live in a lie!

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