Warning Signs Of Magnesium Deficiency Most People Ignore And How To Cure It!

More than 90% people are magnesium deficient according to some studies. So this is an important problem because it affects the metabolism, immunity, blood pressure and other health conditions. It is also responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.

Magnesium deficiency is widespread these days and there are a few reasons for that. The poor soil is responsible for plants low in magnesium and animals as well, as they consume these plants. Chlorine and fluoride in the water attach to the magnesium and that is why the water is poor in magnesium.

Caffeine and sugar as well as other substances we consume every day also reduce the magnesium level.

Bone health
It is proven that magnesium is equally important for bone health as the calcium. If there is magnesium deficiency; the bones suffer in many ways.
Magnesium is important because is needed for vitamin D to improve the absorption of calcium. That is why it is quite important to have enough magnesium intakes when taking vitamin D as this vitamin reduces the magnesium levels.

Muscle spasms and cramps
Magnesium deficiency is linked with cramps and spasms because it causes muscle stiffness.
Magnesium intake will help with this problem instantly.

Arteries calcification
This is the one of the most dangerous medical conditions caused by magnesium deficiency
Arteries calcification is linked with hearth problems as various heart diseases and heart attack.
Even more, patients who have suffered from heart attack are injected with magnesium chloride to stop the calcification and blood clotting.

Anxiety and depression
Together with calcium and glutamate, magnesium hangs out in the synapse between two neurons. The NMDA receptor is activated and the magnesium defends this receptor. If person suffers from magnesium deficiency the receptors is without its defender which can lead to neuron damage and cell death. This problem Is quite serious and difficult to be solved.

High blood pressure/Hypertension
People with proper magnesium level had normal blood pressure- showed research from University of Harvard.

Some other studies confirmed the blood pressure reduction due to taking magnesium supplements.
Research conveyed at University of Harvard confirmed that the risk of high blood pressure was 70% lower in women with proper or higher magnesium levels.

Hormone problems
As the estrogen and progesterone levels in women become higher, the magnesium level becomes lower.

That is the reason why pregnant women suffer from cramps in the legs and also in the second half of their menstrual cycle when estrogen and progesterone are also higher and magnesium level is lower.
The need to consume chocolate can be a sign that you have low magnesium level as the chocolate contains magnesium.

Women who experience problems with PMS and cramps are advised to take magnesium supplements before the symptoms begin.

Pregnancy complaints
Due to hormone imbalance, magnesium level can affect the health and the mood during pregnancy.
That is why magnesium is usually used against hypertension and cramps during pregnancy, against headache and to protect against preterm labor.

Sleep problems 
Magnesium can also affect the good night sleep. It helps in defeating insomnia as it helps in relaxing the body.
Furthermore it is essential for proper function of the GABA receptors in the brain, because GABA is a neurotransmitter that allows the brain to go into restful phase.

Low energy
Magnesium is needed in processes which create the ATP energy within the cells.
You will lack energy on cellular level without magnesium which will lead to lack of desire, low energy, fatigue and other problems.

Deficiencies of other minerals
Magnesium is required for proper use of Vitamin K and D, potassium, calcium and many other nutrients.
If you use magnesium supplements your body will absorb everything what it needs more easily.

What to do?
There are magnesium supplements as pills or solutions, but although they can be effective, they can also cause digestive and kidney problems.

Topical magnesium
Magnesium solution can be applied on the skin and it will be absorbed in proper amount. In this way the magnesium goes right into the tissue and the blood which reloads the body’s proper magnesium levels more rapidly and restores the kidney function as well.
Try to consume food that is rich in magnesium:
– Chard
– Pumpkin seeds
– Spinach
– Avocado
– Almonds
– Figs
– Dark chocolate
– Banana
– Black beans

source: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com
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