6 Folk Remedies To Get Rid Of The Painful Mouth Herpes At Home

Each of us at least once has faced with this unpleasant phenomenon. Itching at first, then the occurrence of bubbles and finally, a wound …

How to get rid of the painful mouth herpes?
Oral herpes is usually caused by viruses, so despite antiviral products, you can use the following folk recipes in the treatments:

1. Boil 100ml water, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda, stir and remove from the hotplate. Place cotton in the solution and apply compresses several times.

2. Salt can also be of great help to rapidly treat herpes.
You only need to apply a small amount of salt to the sore spot. Leave on, rinse, and repeat a few times during the day.

3. The thin casing located on the inside of the egg shell is a great anti-inflammatory agent. You simply need to separate it and put it on the sore spot.
The results will surprise you soon.

4. Garlic is a powerful antiviral agent, so prepare a home remedy with it. Pound or finely chop 2 cloves garlic, mix them with 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 tablespoon of honey.
You will get a super anti- herpes cream that you should regularly apply on the sore spot.

5. Fir needle essential oil or tea tree oil can also help in the fight against herpes. It is recommended to use a few drops every 2 hours.
You may feel a slight tingling, but after 2 days, you will be positively amazed by the results.

6. Propolis drops treat and disinfect the wound. Therefore, it is recommended that you apply them in larger quantities on the oral herpes several times a day.
Then, be sure to apply a layer of chamomile or calendula cream in order to avoid forming a crust. After 2-3 hours, repeat the procedure.

source: http://www.goodmorningcenter.com
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