Top 5 Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Acne Fast

Acne and pimples appear on the scene when the skin’s pores become dirty or blocked, usually with the oils produced by the skin itself. The production of excess oil can be caused by a number of factors, including stress levels, diet, hormones and the environment. There are many chemical treatments available to treat acne you don’t need to spend all you have on expensive lotions. In fact, you need not look any further than your own bathroom or kitchen cupboard. Follow these natural home remedies to treat those pesky pimples.

From plaque to pimples

Toothpaste works best on whitehead pimples that have come to a head as it dries them out. After washing your skin, use a cotton bud or a cleaner finger to dab some toothpaste onto the affected area. It is best to wash the toothpaste off after 30 minutes so that it doesn’t dry the skin out too much.

Porridge face

Good for acne and skin health, oatmeal acts as an exfoliating agent by removing dead skin cells that can build up and cause blockage of the pores and pimples. Cook the oatmeal and add a little honey to the oatmeal and allow it to cool. The honey helps tone the skin and makes the oatmeal a more manageable texture. Apply the porridge to your face as if it were a face mask and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before washing off gently with lukewarm water and applying a non-greasy moisturizer.

Spuds for spots

The alkaline quality of potato juice breaks down the oil in the pores and it also has valuable vitamins that help to control any red or swollen skin caused by acne. This treatment is best applied before you go to bed. Peel a small potato and squeeze out the juice (grating the potato is the easiest way to do this). Apply the juice onto the affected area and leave it for around 15 minutes. Wash off the juice.

Egg head

Egg yolks contain fats and proteins which nourish and protect the skin. Separate the egg white form the egg yolk, and apply the egg yolk to areas affected by acne. You can then whip up the egg white into a foam and apply this to your entire face. Leave it to dry and then rinse it off with cool water.

You can get rid of acne without  running to the pharmacy for expensive treatments that often use strong chemicals. Instead, zap those zits fast using only your bathroom and your kitchen
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