What Happens to Your Waistline When You Drink a Glass of Red Wine Before Bed?

Scientists have long examined the effects of red wine weight loss and the results they got will sure favor the ladies. A study conducted at the Harvard University tracked 20,000 women for 13 years and the results showed that women who had two glasses of red wine a day experienced no problems with obesity. Similar studies have shown that red wine stimulates fat burning.

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry published a study which tried to determine what grapes actually do within the body and how can red wine stimulate weight loss. Their experiment involved lab mice and showed that mice were less likely to store liver fat when they were given red wine grape extract. The same group of mice also showed decreased blood sugar levels. Surprisingly, acids in grapes have the ability to delay growth of fatty cells.

Snacking red wine
People drink red wine instead of having their evening snack. Experts say that a glass of red wine has fewer calories than a piece of cake, ice cream and chips. It also contains almost no bad fats.
This helped Linda Monk to lose 6 pounds within three weeks. She claims that red wine really helped her to reduce sugar cravings and eat less unhealthy snacks before bedtime.
More than anything, you can simply be content to realize that having the intermittent glass of red isn’t hampering your weight reduction objectives. It may even be making a difference.

Red wine – Health benefits
In addition to weight loss, there are a variety of other health benefits of red wine, especially its powerful ingredient resveratrol. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to help prevent a variety of different cancers. It is also great for your heart health and for preventing Alzheimer’s, as it helps to prevent cell damage. Resveratrol has also been linked to longer life spans and to improved athletic performance.

Reasons for concern:
Remember, just because red wine is super healthy and aids in losing weight that does not mean that you should drink a whole bottle at once. The secret lies in moderation. It is vital to recall, in any case, that just because red wine has some restorative favorable circumstances and can help you get more slender, doesn’t infer that you should drink a bottle a night.

It should in like manner be seen that red wine is an average particular alternative for a snack, not something to run with it. In case you end up drinking a glass of wine and having your cake also, well, the extra calories will simply sting.

You should in like manner be watchful about drinking the wine past the final turning point around night time. For a couple of people it prompts poorer quality rest and sluggishness in the morning. In any case, just you know how your body reacts.

source: http://www.healthyfoodplace.com
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