How To Lower Triglycerides – You Need To Do These Simple Changes in Your Diet

High triglycerides, together with cholesterol and blood pressure, are one of the main indicators of cardiovascular health.

If they are elevated, your chances that you will have problems with the heart and circulatory system are elevated as well.

It is therefore important to reduce them as soon as possible, but luckily it is not so difficult a task. Changing the diet is usually sufficient to restore blood fat to normal.

The following tips will help you in that:

  • Reduce the number of calories and lose a few pounds (if you have high triglycerides, chances are that you were also threatened because one usually goes with the other.
  • The loss of at least 5 kg will help you to reduce triglycerides)
  • Avoid sweet foods and sweet drinks (it is very hard to be moderate in these foods, and most people are not aware of how many calories they consume by drinking sweet soda. Any excess is converted into triglycerides)
  • Reduce the intake of saturated fats and remove trans fats completely (trans fats are the most harmful form of fat, and are found in packaged or fried foods such as potato chips, crackers, chips, some types of margarine, donuts and a variety of retail candy)
  • Limit alcohol intake or completely quit, because it contributes to the growth of triglycerides
  • Be active (find time for at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day, go for a walk or to work on foot if it is close, work in the garden or work out at the gym.Physical activity can help to lower triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood)
  • Eat fish or buy omega 3 capsules (fat which is found in fish is unsaturated and decreases levels of triglycerides)

Omega 3 fats

Although we’ve already mentioned, omega-3 fats deserve their own separate sub-heading in this article.

The reason for this is that the doctors prescribe omega 3 prescription because they are proven to lower triglycerides.

The capsules of omega-3 fish oils are probably the easiest way to reduce triglycerides and if you remember anything from this article then so be it.

The doses of 1 to 4 grams per day are advised, depending on how much your triglyceride levels are elevated. Your doctor will recommend the best dose.

Fish that are the best sources of Omega 3 fatty acids are tuna, mackerel, salmon, sturgeon, mullet, arrow, anchovies, sardines and trout. Flaxseed oil also contains omega-3 fats.

Good fats and bad fats

Saturated fats are found in foods such as meat, butter, cocoa butter, hard cheese.

Although, are not bad for your health by themselves, you should restrict them in their diet as this will help you to lower triglycerides.

Trans fat is a special type of fat, industrially modified, so that it has a longer shelf life.

These fats are unfortunately proven bad for your heart and you should eliminate them completely from your diet.

They are most common in margarine (although not in all kinds), potato chips, French fries, some sweets, crackers and many fast food items. These fats should be avoided completely.

Polyunsaturated fats are found in natural foods such as nuts, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, peanut butter.

These fats are the healthiest, but moderation is desirable.

Monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. They are found in olive oil, avocado, almond oil.

A good step towards health would be to begin to cook with olive oil instead of the standard oil in the kitchen.


In addition to omega-3 capsules, your doctor help may prescribe niacin and medicines called fibrates and statins to reduce triglycerides.

Although fibrates and statins are very effective in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, they can have unintended consequences such as muscle pain, elevated liver enzymes or digestive disorders.

Therefore, you first option in lowering triglycerides should always be a change in diet, omega 3 capsules and niacin.

Niacin is a common vitamin B3 and has no significant consequences other than temporary face flushing faces in some people.

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