Six Ways to Prevent and Get Rid of Kidney Stones

If you have ever had a kidney stone, then this experience is certainly remained etched in your memory.

The pain can be unbearable, coming in waves until the small stone does not pass through your urinary tract and come out of the body.

For many people, kidney stone is not a thing that happens once. Stones and sand are known to return.

Fortunately, kidney stones prevention is not so complicated matter and everyone with a little effort and information can make sure that a new painful experience will never happen again.

Sand and kidney stones form when certain substances in the urine become too concentrated and form crystals.

Most of the stones are formed when combined with calcium oxalate and phosphorus. Their size is about the same as a grain of rice.

Preventing stones means preventing conditions that support their creation.

The following lifestyle changes will help you with that:

Drink plenty of fluids

Large quantities of water logically “wash” and dilute the substances that form stones in the kidney.

Strive to drink around 2 liters of fluid a day. That’s about 8 glasses of water.

These amounts may be exaggerated for completely healthy people, but if you have had a kidney stone and want to prevent it, a large amount of water is your greatest ally in this.

For better effect it is advisable to drink juices of citrus fruit (orange, lemonade) because the citrates from these fruits block the formation of crystals.

One simple rule for determining whether you are dehydrated or not is to look at the color of urine. Ideally, it should be pale yellow.

If urine starts to become darker it is clear that you miss liquids.

Reduce salt intake

Excessive use of salt can contribute to the creation of kidney stones because it increases the level of emitted calcium and oxalate in the urine.

The reduction of salt in the diet is not only good for the kidneys, but also lowers blood pressure.

Get plenty of calcium

Although the popular belief is that calcium creates stones in the kidney, the truth is different and more complex.

The point is that too little or too much calcium contributes to the formation of sand and stones in kidneys.

That’s why you should have the ideal amount of 0.8 to 1 gram of calcium daily. It is best to enter the calcium naturally through milk, sardines or sesame seeds, instead of pills.

Given that most people have mild calcium deficiency, it is very difficult to pass the permissible limits with the diet.

Do not eat too much animal protein

Proteins from meat and eggs are healthy and serve to build our muscles, but excessive intake of animal protein can cause kidney stones, especially if you do not drink enough fluids.

High-protein diet increases the levels of uric acid and reduces the levels of citrate, which contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

This warning applies only to people who take very large amounts of protein daily.

Drink beer and wine

Maybe it’s weird to you that we recommend that you drink alcohol but there are at least two comprehensive studies have shown that the consumption of beer and wine reduces the risk of kidney stone formation and sand in kidneys, and this effect is not only due to increased fluid intake, but because of beer and wine exactly.

For example, in this study, wine reduced the risk of kidney stone formation by 59%, beer by 40% and coffee by only 9%. Some beverages do not have any impact at all.

We remind you that it is important to be moderate in alcoholic beverages because excessive intake can harm other organs.

Avoid foods that contain oxalate

Oxalates are substances that contribute to the formation of crystals in the kidneys and are sometimes found in healthy foods.

If you are afraid of kidney stones, you should avoid: chocolate, beets, spinach, almonds and other foods rich in oxalate.

This applies only to persons with a history of kidney stones. Otherwise, most of these foods are safe if consumed in moderation.

All of the above tips are useful both for prevention and for the possible exclusion of sand or stones that you already have.

Doctors in such cases also prescribe medications for faster ejection of kidney stones, and extracorporeal surgeries are also done, with the help of resonant sound waves.

The operation is quite painless because there are no cuts, lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour , and after it, the stone is was broken into “sand”, which will come out through your ureters later.

These operations can also be conducted with the help of a laser.

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