How to Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels to Never Feel Sad, Stressed or Depressed Again

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released by the brain, and it is crucial for various body functions, including the following:

• Regulating movement
• Regulating proclatin secretion
• Controlling the brain’s center of pleasure and reward
• Improving the cognitive functions (attention, knowledge, memory, evaluation, decision-making, problem solving)

Given its importance in our happiness and well-being, low dopamine levels result in various health complications such as sadness, depression, negativity, and other emotional troubles.
Fortunately, you can raise your dopamine levels in the following 10 effective ways:

1. Exercise

Regular exercise of any kind raises the levels of dopamine, endorphin, and serotonin. It provides happiness, alleviates stress, and strengthens the body.

2. Avoid Addictions

While addiction to drugs, sex, gambling, or even shopping provide an instant pleasure, it’s never a permanent solution. Such addictions just satisfy your needs temporarily.
Addictions also alter our lifestyle at the expense of the source of addiction. It’s a wicked cycle, and hence you need to try to minimize the risk of developing addictions. Enjoy life and find stuff that provide deeper calmness and happiness.

3. Detoxification

You need to detoxify your system on a regular basis, as the buildup of bacteria and toxins in your body undermines dopamine production and weakens your immunity.

4. Increase Tyrosine

Tyrosine is among the 22 essential amino acids that are involved in protein creation. In fact, it’s the most important chemical for dopamine production.
This chemical also has the potential to raise norepinephrine levels. You can raise its levels in the body by consuming watermelon, green tea.

5. Music

Dopamine levels are also increased through listening to music, even though it may be short-term. Therefore, use music as a common way to raise dopamine levels.

6. Organize your life

While this can be hard at times, organized small daily tasks will increase your levels of dopamine. As such, consider writing your tasks down, and check them off as you accomplish them.
According to Principles of Self-Management, if a tasks represents a change of at least 25% in the routine, you’ll feel unable to accomplish it, and normally ends with self-sabotage or giving up.
However, if the task changes 10% of your routine, you’ll manage to complete it, since you’ll believe it’s small. Hence, balance tasks to be 10% and 25% of new behaviors, so as to try fresh and challenging things, but still not so difficult to accomplish.

7. Creativity

Creative activities are also effective in elevating dopamine levels. It’ll also keep you focused. You can try dancing, writing, singing, painting, knitting, sculpturing, etc. and you’ll feel much better right away.

8. Get a Streak Going

Here, “streak” refers to a visual reminder of how many successive times you do something. It will raise the dopamine levels, making you happier and contented. You need to use a calendar, write your goals, and plan how to accomplish them. Mark it off on the calendar, once you finish a goal.

9. Take Supplements

You can raise your dopamine levels through supplementation, which include:
• Curcumin – it effectively increases dopamine in your brain.
• Ginkgo Biloba – it has the potential to elevate dopamine levels.
• Acetyl-l-tyrosine – being a building block of dopamine, a healthy dose of it promotes the production of dopamine in the brain.
• L-theanine – increases various neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine. You can get it from green tea.

10. Meditation

Meditation elevates dopamine levels, and creates mental energy, improves your mood, and relaxes your mind.

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