Top 10 Health Uses and Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil – Must Read!

Can you think of a product that could increase your metabolism, energy, nurture your skin and clean your body? No, it’s not an elixir or a pill that can cure everything. It’s a simple and pure lemon essential oil.

Essential oils are obtained by a flower, fruit, leaf, seed, bark, root of a plant or tree. They are made by a process of distillation. This means that the oil and the composites of the plant based on water are separated by steaming. In that way, highly concentrated oils with strong aroma are extracted and you get the most powerful healing components of a plant separated into one, single oil.

Essential oil of lemon gives the ideal example of the power in essential oils. Last year the International Journal of Food Microbiology has published a research which stated that oil of lemon could, in fact, be the most effective anti-microbial agent of all the essential oils. Furthermore, the Experimental Biology and Medicine has published a research where it says that by breathing in the scent of essential oils of lemon, the neurological activity that encourages the reduction of body fat has been improved. Essential oil of lemon can be very handily when it comes to whitening your teeth, use it as a face wash, cellulite cream, household cleaner or laundry freshener.

Benefits Of Lemon Essential Oils:

In Dr. J.V. Hebbar’s opinion, who is an assistant professor at Ayurveda Medical College, the benefits of lemon are:

  • Cleaning and purification
  • Remedy for bad breath and maintaining oral health
  • Relieving thirst
  • Remedy for colic pain in the abdomen
  • Relieving cough
  • Relieving nausea and calming the stomach
  • Preventing malabsorption
  • Improving digestion
  • Nourishing the skin
  • Decreasing the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels and preventing heart diseases
  • Weight loss
  • Digestion

10 Uses Of Lemon Essential Oils

As mentioned above, there are some uses of lemon oil that are not medical. We present you some of them:

Laundry – If you have left your laundry in the washing machine for a longer period of time, add several drops of essential oil. You won’t feel the smell any more.

Whitening your teeth – make dense mixture of lemon essential oil, coconut oil and baking soda and apply it on your teeth, rubbing for two minutes.

Cleaning your hands – if your hands are greasy from working on your car and you can’t wash them with any soap, don’t worry. Add a several drops of essential oil with any soap and that will do nicely.

Polishing silver and wood – Dip a cloth in lemon oil – it will remove the stains of your silver and jewelry, and it is excellent for cleaning wood too.

Boosting fat-loss – You can lose weight by putting 2 lemon oil drops in your water three times on a daily basis. This also improves your metabolism.

Improving mood – You can elevate mood and struggle depression by simply spreading essential oil of lemon in the air.

Supporting your immune system – Mix lemon oil and coconut oil. That will help you support lymphatic drainage and defeat a cold fast. Just rub the mixture on your neck.

Face wash – Essential oil of lemon can make your skin color better. It also makes your skin soft and supple and deeply nourishes it. For a natural acne skin wash, mix lemon oil with baking soda and honey.

Natural disinfection – If you don’t want to use any alcohol and bleach for disinfection of counterparts or moldy shower, just add 40 drops of lemon oil and 20 drops of tea tree oil in a 16-oz spray bottle filled with pure water and a little bit of vinegar.

The sticky substance will be gone – The sticky stains that your kids make using stickers and gum can be removed using lemon oil.

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