Possible Signs Which Are Warning You of Cancer and Which Are Usually Ignored!

It is imperative that you always pay attention to signs and symptoms that could be a manifestation of undiagnosed cancer. It is much easier to treat cancer if it is detected in its early stages. The following symptoms may not necessarily mean you’ve cancer, but they shouldn’t be ignored.

Among the over 200 different types of cancer, the most common ones include ovarian, prostate, breast, lung, bladder, pancreatic, colorectal, endometrial, kidney, and pancreatic cancers. The survival rate of most of these cancers are low primarily because they’re usually detected in their advanced stages.

1. Sudden weight loss

Those with solid tumors like breast and lung cancer normally experience sudden weight loss. This normally happens when the cancer gets to the liver and weakens its function of regulating appetite and removing toxins. Weight loss also points to digestive cancers, like colon cancer.

This symptom is so usual that:
• 80% of patients who’re in advanced stages experience sudden weight loss.
• 40 % of cancer patients experience sudden weight loss when they’re diagnosed.

2. Constant infections or fevers

Persistent fever may be a manifestation of cancer, such a lymphoma. Likewise, leukemia can have symptoms such as aches, fevers, fatigue, infections, and more flu-like symptoms.

3. Exhaustion and weakness

Consult your doctor if your exhaustion or fatigue doesn’t reduce even after getting some sleep.

4. Being out of breath or wheezing

If you’ve a tumor in the lungs, it presses and narrows your airway, and hence cause wheezing. As such, this symptom shouldn’t be ignored.

5. Pain in the chest and constant cough

At times, cancer symptoms like leukemia or lung tumors can mimic those of bronchitis or leukemia. The nuisance can be persistent. Moreover, you can experience some pain that extends in your shoulder or stretches towards your arm.
You also need to consult your doctor if your voice becomes hoarse or you’ve a prolonged cough, particular if you’re a smoker or was once a smoker. This could be a manifestation of thyroid, laryngeal, or esophageal cancer.

6. Bloating

Ovarian cancer can be manifested by sudden abdominal bloating, especially if it comes along with swollen abdomen, feeling of fullness, and pelvic pain.

7. Constant heartburn

Persistent heartburn could be a sign of esophageal cancer or Barrett’s esophagus.

8. Bowel issues

Inexplicable change in bowel movements that lasts for at least one month may be an indication of bowel cancer, especially among the elderly.

9. Having trouble swallowing

If you’ve trouble swallowing or feel that you’ve food in your chest or throat, which worsens over time, it could be a sign of esophageal or throat cancer. Pain and burning sensation when swallowing the food could also be a manifestation of these cancers.

10. Jaundice

Jaundice’ symptoms include yellowing skin and whites in the eyes. While these are usually signs of liver and gallbladder disease, it could also indicate pancreatic cancer.

11. Unusual lumps or swelling

Strange lumps on your groin, breasts, abdomen, testicles, underarms, neck, or other body parts must be examined by a medical professional, more so if they persist for over three weeks. At times, an enlarged lymph node or lump under your arms could be an indication of breast cancer. Moreover, swollen, red, and sore breasts breast can be a sign of breast cancer.

12. Skin moles or spots, new or changing

While changes in the skin are normally not painful and harmful, you should see your doctor if:
• Those new sores, growths, or spots don’t heal, or
• There’s a change in diameter, symmetry, color, or border of a previously existing mole.

13. Nails Changes

Don’t ignore unusual changes in your nails as they can point to various cancers like skin, liver, and lung cancer.
• Brownish or blackish spots under the nails can be an indication of skin cancer.
• Lung cancer can be manifested by toes and fingers clubbing.
• Pale or white nails can be an indication of poor liver function, which can be caused by liver cancer among other causes.

14. Pain in the abdomen or pelvic pain

Ovarian cancer can be manifested by pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic pain.

15. Strange pain that persists for over a month

Such pain could be a sign of testicular or bone cancer, and hence you need to consult a doctor.

16. Bleeding which is not normal

Blood in the urine can be a manifestation of UTI, which occurs as a result of kidney or bladder cancer. Likewise, blood in the stool can be a sign of bowel cancer.
Moreover, bleeding in the middle of your menses or after menopause could be a manifestation of endometrial or uterine cancer. Bleeding in the GI tract could indicate colorectal cancer.
Vomiting and coughing up blood may indicate lung, stomach, esophageal cancer. Immoderate bruising and bleeding can indicate leukemia.

source: http://www.healthyfoodplace.com
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