Stay Away From These 6 Foods in Case You Have a Thyroid Disorder!

Located at the neck’s base, the thyroid gland is responsible for most of the metabolic processes of the body since it produces hormones. There are a number of thyroid disorders and some are not serious, but some of them can be life-threatening. Women are more prone to developing thyroid disorders, particularly after menopause or pregnancy.

Some of the most common thyroid disorders occur as a consequence of abnormal production of the hormones of the thyroid. Thyroid hormonal imbalance can cause weight gain, weight loss, restlessness or fatigue. Hyperthyroidism is when the gland produce too much hormones and hypothyroidism is when the gland does not produce enough hormones.

Thyroid problems can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, but nearly all of them can be treated. Moreover, there are certain foods which can significantly impact your weight, your energy and health in general.

You must avoid these six foods so as to stop a thyroid problem from getting worse:

1. Sugar

Hypothyroidism can slow down the metabolism and for this reason people who suffer from this can easily gain weight. People with hypothyroidism need to stay away from foods with high amounts of sugar. These foods have almost no nutrients but they are packed with calories.

2. Fatty/Fried Foods

It has been proven that fats can disrupt the ability of the body to absorb medicines for thyroid hormones and it can also prevent the thyroid from producing hormones. In case you are afflicted with a thyroid disorder, you should avoid fatty and fried foods which are heavily processed and you should avoid consuming margarine, mayonnaise and butter as well, since they are high in fats.

3. Coffee

High amounts of caffeine negatively affects the adrenal glands, and this can cause fatigue and other thyroid issues. If you are addicted to coffee, reduce it a bit and make sure not to drink coffee one hour at the minimum after you have taken the thyroid hormone replacement medication.

4. Cruciferous Vegetables

Eating certain vegetables can impede the production of the thyroid hormones. Such vegetables are cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and broccoli. They can block the ability of the thyroid to absorb iodine, which is critical for proper function of the thyroid. In case you are afflicted with a thyroid disorder, limit the consumption of turnips, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli.

5. Soy

Soy can prevent the thyroid hormone absorption in people with hyperthyroidism. In case you have problems with your thyroid, avoid soy. Processed soy forms like soy bars, supplements, soy milk, powders and shakes can worsen things. If it is not possible for you to eliminate soy from your diet, use fermented forms like tempeh and make sure to consume small quantities.

6. Gluten

Gliadin is a protein which is found in gluten and which is foreign to the body. The thyroid gland has a similar protein and once the gluten is consumed, then the immune system attacks both the enzyme and the protein. It is quite difficult to recognize gluten intolerance with hypothyroidism since the symptoms such as digestive problems, abdominal pain and bloating usually overlap. Foods which are processed from rye, barley, wheat and other grains contain gluten.

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