React Immediately! Symptoms Of a Stroke Which You Should Immediately Recognize!

When we talk about stroke, it’s better to get the necessary treatment as soon as possible. In that way, you don’t lose time thinking whether you should go to the hospital or not. Learn how to recognize the symptoms and react in time!

Stroke – decreasing in blood flow in the brain because of a clot or bleeding – it’s an emergency. Doctors often say “time is brain” which means that as soon as the treatment starts as less the possibility that the brain tissue will be permanently damaged is.

There are stroke treatments which you should apply in the first three to four hours after the stroke, like the medicines which attack the clot. That is the reason for a significant fast reaction, claims the Professor of neurology Seemant Chaturvedi.

If you, or someone you know has got the below listed symptoms, you should call an ambulance immediately.

Difficulties with the eyesight or blurred vision
Stroke might cause vision difficulties: double image, blurred image or a total loss of the vision in one eye. This obviously is not a well-known fact: one research conducted on 1.300 people has shown that only 44% of them know that stroke can cause difficulties with their eyesight.

Difficulties with the speech or confusion
Even with “smaller” strokes, there can still appear difficulties in communication. Maybe the stroke can damage the ability to express or understand speech. If you can’t say a sentence normally or you’re mixing the words, the probability that you have suffered a stroke is 72%.

Weakness in the limbs
It is usual that after a stroke, the limbs become very weak, so it’s hard to control them or they are totally paralyzed. It is very common that after a stroke, mostly “numbs” the arm or the leg of the opposite side of the brain half which was affected by the stroke. Spread both of your arms with the hands pointing up and hold them like that for 10 seconds. If one of your arms starts falling uncontrollably, that indicates muscle weakness and is a sign for stroke.

Vertigo and loss of balance
If you suffer from vertigos, have sicknesses or you have difficulties walking, that can mean that you have suffered a stroke. Patients often mix the symptoms of stroke with some other medical conditions. Sometimes, vertigoes can be attributed to the viral syndrome, but that can also be a sign of stroke.

Pain is not a typical symptom of stroke, but if you feel a sudden and strong pain in your arm, leg, one side of your face or chests, that is definitely a reason to be worried. A research has shown that with women, the non-traditional symptoms appear 62% more often than with men and one of them is most definitely pain.

A strong headache
A sudden, very strong headache which can be categorized as one of the worst that you have ever had is a very common symptom of a stroke. This kind of pain together with the stroke is mostly appearing with women, but also with younger persons who have previously suffered from migraines.

A hung face
A sudden, one-side weakness in your face muscles can be a clear sign that you have suffered a stroke. The medical staff will probably ask you to smile or show them your teeth. If you can’t control the muscles on one side of your face, it is almost certain that you have suffered a stroke.

Fatigue and mental changes
A recent study on the ischemic stroke, like the stroke caused by clots has pointed that women who suffer from stroke most often feel a general weakness, disorientation and mental changes than men.

In usual situations, hiccups are a harmless and short-term disturbance. But, when we talk about stroke, it affects the breathing center in your brain, which can cause a sudden, long-term hiccups, most often with women.

Inability to breath or palpitations
You can’t catch a breath? You have a feeling that your heart is pounding very fast or even feel like it’s skipping? A research of generic differences has shown that women are most often affected by these problems than men.

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