Treating Candida and Alzheimer’s using Coconut Oil

One of the best medicines to prevent from Alzheimer’s is the new natural Candida treatment.
One of the natural ingredients of the Coconuts is the Caprylic acid which is a medium-chain triglyceride. Caprylic acid is an anti-fungal agent used as an active ingredient in a new medical food, recognized as an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s, also validated by a lot of scientific researches.

This medical food which we mention above you can find in the markets under the brand Axona.
Our brain is using glucose as a main source of energy for normal functioning of the brain cells. But the ability of the brains affected by Alzheimer’s is reduced, and those use less glucose than normal. Symptoms of dementia could be eliminated if Alzheimer’s affected brain cells in some other way could be powered. That alternative source of energy which is essential for the brain cells could be reimbursed by the substances produced from the caprylic acid in the body – called ketones.
This is why the caprylic acid is validated as an alternate source of energy for the brain cells affected by Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s and the Caprylic Acid
Coconut oil contains active ingredients that can provide the brain with the ketones needed to improve function in Alzheimer’s patients, according to the article published in Alzheimer’s Weekly.
However, that Alzheimer’s treatment should always be supervised by a physician, whether the remedy is coconut oil, caprylic acid capsules, or the prescription-based Axona advises the author of the article.

The fungus named Candida
The fungus (also referred to as yeast) named CANDIDA ALBICANS can cause a lot of undesirable effects in your body. The overgrowth of Candida is an under-diagnosed condition that threatens the health of millions of people around the world, and many of them have no idea of that.
You may not know that you have the fungus named Candida in your body, and you won’t be sure until the presence of candida in your body is confirmed by a health professional.
In this article we talked about the use of the Caprylic acid against Alzheimer’s. But it also shows amazing effects as a natural cure for treatment of Candida. The ability of the natural caprylic acid for treatment of Candida was known by the scientists decades ago.

“Candida is possibly the least understood, most widespread cause of continuing ill health currently in our midst.” – sais Leon Chaitow, a renowned alternative health professional and author.
Researches show that everyone have Candida in their body. Digestive bacteria, ordinarily control candida levels in your bodies. If your immune system is reduced, candida levels in your body can be increased.

This condition is called candidiasis- and its presence has grown rapidly over the last decades.
Experts think that this increase arises from the excessive use of antibiotics, diabetes, obesity and modern diet of processed foods.

Candida and the Caprylic acid
The efficacy of caprylic acid as an anti-candida treatment is confirmed by a lot of studies. Some health professionals recommend coconut oil as a food source of the caprylic acid. However, for people who need higher doses of caprylic acid, it is also available and in capsule form.

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