5 Tips To Be Happier In The Morning

1. Accept The Negativity

For most of us, getting rid of the thoughts and feelings that keep us that extra hour in bed can be the toughest part of our exercise routine. There’s a reason why veteran runners say putting on your sneakers is the hardest part of a run.

Instead, examine your thought process to discover the precise moment you decide to bail out of the entire run.

More importantly, you now know what changes you need to make so you can preempt that bail out moment entirely.

2. Do the Prep Work

This could be the bailout point for many of you. One of the most common excuses we tell ourselves is that we’re way too busy to squeeze in a workout routine in our week.

This is when executing the necessary prep work comes in. Before you go to bed, simply setup all your workout clothes, water bottles, and your pre-workout meal (be it a smoothie or a bulletproof coffee).

Boom! You’ve just eliminated the biggest excuse for working out early in the morning. More importantly, all this prep work only serves as additional motivation to get out of bed.

You can also get ready with the perfect sleep.

3. Join a Class or Group

If you really don’t like the stress of planning everything or feel that you’ve been getting too complacent with your own excuses, this is the tip for you. By joining a group, someone else is doing all the legwork, all you really need to do is just show up.

Best of all, you actually get to finally see a positive effect of peer pressure. Exercising with a group creates a unique bond that keeps you motivated to continue exercising and encouraging everyone’s progress.

4. You Need to Be Decisive

There’s a reason that Nike tag line is so powerful. It speaks the truth to all of us. Before you go to bed you need make a mental commitment to yourself to get things done. When you wake up early, you need to ignore that sleepy voice urging you to sleep an extra five minutes.

There’s no compromising here. Just do it.

5. Start a Behavioral Chain Reaction

The secret to building new habits is to make them an integral part of your daily routine. One trick I have is to imagine that I can’t move on to my next task unless I get my workout routine done.

You’ll gradually see how an early morning exercise routine becomes a regular part of your day that doesn’t require some monumental effort on your part to actually do.

Eventually you’ll start seeing how this routine can drastically improve your overall quality of life.

source: http://www.fhfn.org/
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